Gpredict does not update satellites

Currently I use Gpredict which is a bit outdated software to control my Sarcnet rotator. I used to control Sarcnet rotator through Ham Radio Deluxe as a EasyCommII on COM_whatever was the number, but because my arrow antenna is roughly 10 meters away from my radio shack I found that such a long USB connection is very unstable. When I press PTT it gets crazy. Solution to resolve the problem was to remove long USB cable and replace with a short one connected to raspberry pi – I use Raspberry Pi Zero 2 in CLI mode just to run the hamlib Easycomm II server.

The HRD software is unable to connect to IP address with the Raspberry Pi but Gpredict does it without any problem:

The problem I found was that I could not update correctly Kepler data for satellites, so some of them were not in the correct positions.

The solution is to add some extra lines to the config:

It resolves all problems with updating satellites Kepler data in Gredict.

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