Problem with Windows 7 and NAS Server (Samba)

Some time ago I bought a small, simple and cheap NAS server made in China.

The server had a operation system based on Linux. I had only one very serious problem with the server: I couldn’t connect my laptop to the new device. I established password and it didn’t work despite I was sure everything was ok! System just kept asking me about correct login and password…

After several attempts I realised the problem gone when I switch off authorisation on the Samba. But of course it wasn’t a solution.

I realised that possibly it was a problem with operation system. I decided to change it. In internet I found system calls SNAKE OS.

I installed the new system without any problems but I realised that the problem still stays.

Then I realised it could be something wrong with my Windows 7. It was impossible the problem was on two different operation systems!

At last I found solution:

– go to your control panel;
– click on the header for “System and Security” Category;
– click on the “Administrative Tools” Category;
– double click to open up the Local Security Policy;
– expand the “Local Policies” group;
– click on the Security Options section and scroll down till you see: “Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level”;
– double click it and change its setting to: “Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated”;

Close the windows and you’re set! However, I have also found information, that it only works on Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional, the “normal” Home Premium doesn’t have that option available…

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