Photo print pricing and sizes at Asda in Waterlooville

I am always struggling with pictures edges radio when I save they in Lightroom. Picture below shows sizes available in ASDA in Waterlooville in one hour service: website is a bit useless and they do not say anything about sizes of photo prints in their stores.

asda-waterlooville-photo-print-sizesSony C6833 (2.96mm, f/2.4, 1/32 sec, ISO50)

Frames at ASDA are very expensive, quite cheap frames are available in nearby Wilco:

wilco-waterloville-photo-frames-01Sony C6833 (2.96mm, f/2.4, 1/100 sec, ISO64)
wilco-waterloville-photo-frames-02Sony C6833 (2.96mm, f/2.4, 1/32 sec, ISO100)
wilco-waterloville-photo-frames-03Sony C6833 (2.96mm, f/2.4, 1/32 sec, ISO80)


Edit: Tesco offers up to 40 x 60 photo prints for £40. Pictures can be uploaded in their machines in stores, everything over 20 x 30 (in this case 40 x 60) will be delivered to the local Tesco on next day. For strange reasons I can’t find 40 x 60 Tesco offer online on their website.

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