How washing machine knows how much water needs to be added

Modern washing machines are designed in such a way as to not only save water as much as possible, but also to maximize washing efficiency. But how does the washing machine know how much water to add? Sometimes we put on less and sometimes more dirty clothes. Sometimes they absorb water more and sometimes less. Sometimes the pressure in the pipes is higher, and sometimes lower, so it is impossible to add water counting time. It turns out that the problem was solved very simply. The washing machine has a water level pressure sensor. That is why modern washing machines take only a little water at the beginning, spin the drum waiting for the water taken to be absorbed into dirty clothes and then take some water again until it ceases to be absorbed into the clothes and its level – checked by a pressure sensor – stabilises at the right level .

I have met many posts published by housewives who believe that their knowledge is better than the experience of engineers designing washing machines and that they add extra water into the drum after some time through the washing powder drawer, because in their opinion the laundry is almost dry-washed. Unfortunately, zero knowledge does not allow them to understand that this is not a water-saving conspiracy theory, because the basic washing itself does not use a lot of water, rinsing consumes the most water and it is there that producers look for savings in water consumption !!! That’s why I personally use the extra rinse function. On the other hand, the washing itself is more effective when it is not too wet because the washing powder NEEDS contact with air in order to better wash dirty clothes. In addition, only slightly wet clothes rubbing against each other make washing more effective. Such rubbing is absorbed by the greater amount of water and thus much less effective. Only at the end of the basic washing cycle does the washing machine add a little more water and only then pour it out before rinsing.

So adding extra water will not improve the washing quality, but will also consume more electricity, as more water will have to be heated, it will also cause faster wear of all mechanical parts of the washing machine. Also, the frequently practiced overdosing of washing powder will not make the laundry cleaner, but will only cause that without the use of an extra rinse cycle it will simply be rinsed poorly, which may contribute to allergies, especially in allergy sufferers.

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