Frozen pipes in a winter time – problem

A few days ago we had a problem with boiler and hot water (see post here). Just solved the problem and winter weather created the new one.


Look at the first photo: the pipe from kitchen sink is bent. Water stays in the bending and freezes up 🙁

pipes-problem-1NIKON COOLPIX L4 (6.3mm, f/2.8, 1/115 sec, ISO50)



Class 5+ network cable is always helpful. I made connection to the pipe above and hopefully I have resolved the problem forever. Hopefully because the pipe still stays in horizontal position instead gets some small angle… pipes-problem-3NIKON COOLPIX L4 (11mm, f/3.6, 1/14 sec, ISO50)



Another problem is with pipe from shower tray – it had been friezed up as well, probably because of horizontal emplacement instead of little angle…

pipes-problem-2NIKON COOLPIX L4 (10.3mm, f/3.4, 1/60 sec, ISO50)

We are really missing the summer time 🙂




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